This is Jared Schwartzentruber's portfolio website.
Last updated: 10.12.21Product Design, Engineering, and Management Expert
I have extensive experience working across Enginieering, Design, and Management.
Develop hardware prototypes from scratch, including:
Mechanical design (DFM/DFA)
Industrial Design (including photo-realistic rendering)
PCB/EE design
Firmware prototyping
Drafting and filing intellectual property
Design software product UX that is both beautiful and easy to navigate, distilling complex workflows into simple, easy-to-understand processes.
Design and implement scalable management processes and workflows to enable efficient product development, consistent/rapid release cycles, and continuous improvement processes through data-driven decision making.
I love to attack new projects head-on; working through complex problems to find elegant solutions.
I have built a multitude of functional prototypes for medication adherence. This includes 14 total patents filed (3 granted to date).
When I took over the software product team, I quickly built out a scalable design library, consistent design language, and design transfer process. I continually iterated and improved upon these through regular communication across all stakeholders.